Monday, October 6, 2008

I need just one more day.

I am really not looking forward to tomorrow morning. First thing, right of the bat I have my second Nursing 100 test which if I would have studied a little bit harder probably wouldn't be a problem. But considering the fact that I goofed off a little too much this weekend, things aren't looking promising. It's not that I didn't study, it just my study time to study break ratio was tilted a little bit more towards the study break column. I know I keep whining about this, but I have got to get my ass in gear and buckle down and start taking this a little bit more serious. Starting tomorrow, I am going to start making a daily to do list with study time factored in each day and start following it. I've worked too hard and spent too much money to start going back to my old habits from my first few collage years. I'm a big boy now. It's time to start acting like it. Dangit.

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